We recently announced the Kentico MVPs for 2024 over on kentico.com 🥳.

Seeing as how this is the Kentico Community Portal, I thought it would be nice to also welcome them over here, among their community peers.

Welcome our two newest Kentico MVPs, Elmar Höfinghoff and Michael Eustace 👋.

And, congratulations to all the folks who were re-awarded the MVP recognition from 2023!

  • Wesley McChristian
  • Brian McKeiver
  • Roel Kuik
  • Mike Wills
  • Trevor Fayas
  • Jeroen Fürst
  • Liam Goldfinch
  • Dmitry Bastron
  • Andy Thompson

All of their details can be found over on the Kentico MVP Program page.

Kevin McCallister says "Yes" enthusiastically with an arm pump.

If you are interested in becoming a Kentico MVP for 2025, now is the perfect time to learn about our MVP Program.

We welcome applications from anyone excited 🤩 about Xperience by Kentico with digital marketing or technical knowledge (or both), who also wants to share that knowledge and excitement with others!

What makes a great MVP?

  • You are excited and knowledgable about Xperience by Kentico
  • You are also interested in topics like digital marketing, content modeling, web development, or AI technologies and the coming AI revolution (or apocalypse 😅)
  • You like to help others and share that knowledge (ex: blogs, Q&A, social media, videos, meetups, conferences)
  • You want to work closely with Kentico to understand our product strategy and provide us with feedback

If you feel like that describes (or could describe) you, let us know!