We want to get you answers to you problems, and get them to you quickly. By doing a little preparation in advance, we can help ensure you have the best experience with our support team. Read on to learn how to set all of us up for success!

Check our documentation

Many answers to your questions are already available in these sources:


Community Resources

If this still doesn’t help, let us know what you have read and tried, so we are not asking you to repeat troubleshooting steps.

Product Version

You'd be surprised how many people send us requests for support but forget to mention what version of our product they have a question about. Our product updates regularly! Some bugs might have already been resolve in a recent hotfix or Refresh. Others might be newly introduced and we don't know about it yet.

By telling us what version of Xperience by Kentico you are using, we can help you much faster!


It always helps to know what tools and environment you are using! For non-developers, this would include where your Xperience by Kentico deployment is running.

  • On-premises
  • Cloud hosting (ex: Azure, AWS, GCP)
  • Xperience by Kentico SaaS And, what browser or browser extensions you have (browser extensions are notorious for causing all kinds of hard to diagnose issues).

For developers, we would like to know more technical information, include the information above.

  • Operating system
  • .NET SDK or runtime version
  • IDE (ex: Rider, VS Code, Visual Studio)
  • MS SQL Server version - Local or deployed (your domain)
  • Load balancing, WAF, CDN

Error Messages

Please capture any error or exception messages that you are getting and attach any Event log errors to your email. You can also attach screenshots, or send a recorded screencast (ScreenToGif is a nice, easy to use tool for screen recordings).

Product Customizations

If you are working with customizations to Xperience by Kentico (ex: custom modules, Page Builder components, ect...) or have functionality based on the customization of features included in the product (ex: a new column in the Users List), please let us know. If possible, provide us with your code and information as to where and how you are using it.

Problem and Goals

Questions like “How do I achieve this?” or “I want to implement this.” with no further details are hard to answer. It is appreciated if you can include a description of expected behavior, the actual behavior, desired end-state, and a short use-case example. It’s possible that we will still need to ask you more questions, but this helps us identify which questions to ask! We may also request a site export package or a backup of your database and project in order to reproduce and debug the issue.