Work with Members and Smart folders

We're happy to announce the addition of several new developer-focused materials to the Xperience by Kentico training guides.

Our new Members section covers several topics, including how to build registration and sign-in forms as widgets for page builder, how to define relationships between members and contacts, how to create a profile page for members to update their information, and how to prompt unauthenticated members to sign in for specific content. Provide extra flexibility for your editors, allowing them to incorporate membership functionality into their landing pages and control the appearance.

The new Smart folders guide describes how to put editors in control of dynamic content, marrying smart folders with widgets by filtering the Content item query API. Build a widget that allows editors to bring your site to life with galleries of images based on criteria that editors define through Smart folders.

Code along with these guides, starting from the main branch of our Training guides repository, or see it all in action by checking out the finished branch.

Got Ideas? Let Us Know!

We're committed to making our resources as helpful as possible and are always eager to hear your feedback. Dive in today and let us know what other materials you'd like to see next!