Our product roadmap for Xperience by Kentico has been updated, detailing enhancements we plan to ship with our Refreshes for January through March of 2024.

Xperience by Kentico roadmap - Next Refreshes

We are continuously updating our product roadmap, so you might see new additions to the roadmap after this blog post is published.

Headless channel improvements

Today, headless channels enable delivery of content independent of the way that content is used or presented. This is very different from content delivery in both website and email channels inside Xperience by Kentico. However, sometimes a headless channel is used to support a website - one which just happens to be external from Xperience.

For those specific scenarios we will allow marketers to visually preview their unpublished content in that external website so they can validate the experience before publishing.

The core of Xperience by Kentico is customer data and content management - both of these are foundational parts of our website and email channel types. Headless channels only support content delivery today and we want to complete the picture by integrating customer data in this channel type. Soon, external channels, where customers engage with headlessly delivered content, will also be integrated with customer data through an activity tracking API, elevating the power of headless channels for marketing teams.

Basic workflows

While we support Draft, Published, and Archived content today, marketing teams often need more complex content authoring workflows that model the way their teams and organizations validate and release information. With basic multistep workflows, marketing teams can ensure the correct roles have permissions to approve custom workflow steps, and receive email notifications as content moves through these custom workflow processes.

Content hub UX

The Content hub is the center of multichannel content authoring and management in Xperience by Kentico. As a marketing teams' content investment grows over time, managing content quickly becomes a priority. We will be introducing mass content publishing and deletion actions in the Content hub for those teams that have a large amount of structured content items.

New integrations

Xperience by Kentico is a single product which is regularly updated with Refreshes, but we also deliver product enhancements through open-source software integrations that we host in our GitHub organization.

One of our upcoming integrations is support for two CRMs - Salesforce Sales Cloud and Microsoft Dynamics. These integrations will provide contact syncing support from Form Builder forms to either CRM service and developers can customize how fields are mapped from the Form fields to the Contact in the external systems.

We're also releasing a basic marketing tag management tool that will allow marketers to add tags (like GA4 or GTM) to a website channel without having to dig around in any code or ask a developer.

Reusable Field Schemas

Modeling structured content in Xperience by Kentico by relating different pieces of content has been possible for a long time. In previous versions of our product we allowed for the "shape" or schema of content to be shared as well, through inheritance. A single "base" content type could be inherited by many other content types, ensuring they all had some of the same fields and editing experience.

We will now be providing a way to accomplish this same goal in Xperience by Kentico through composition instead of inheritance. Shared schema can be defined as Reusable Field Schemas and assigned to multiple content types. This ensures those content types all have those fields in their editing experience. The benefit of the composition approach is that content types can be assigned multiple reusable schemas. This is a more flexible and powerful way to enable this kind of content modeling.

We will be delivering the Reusable Field Schema enhancement in two phases, allowing customers to take advantage of the best parts now and then gain more value later, including some big improvements to content type querying.

Content taxonomies

Taxonomies are important for customers exploring content and information through an interactive channel (like websites or mobile apps) and for marketers managing content in a DXP.

As of today, marketers have been able to simulate content taxonomization through content relationships in Xperience by Kentico. To improve the experience for marketers, developers, and their customers we will soon be adding a new Taxonomy capability to the product.

Taxonomies are defined by administrators and can be used both for organizing and finding content in the Xperience administration UI or for displaying content (and its associated taxonomies) on a website. The taxonomies feature will support unlimited groups of taxonomies and localization if you need to treat taxonomies as content. Later, we will be adding taxonomy support for headless channels which will enable marketers to more easily drive dynamic experiences with taxonomy through this channel type.

Content authoring with AI

When marketers are authoring content in Xperience by Kentico, they want many of the benefits they have in external content authoring tools but without needing to copy and paste content between the two. By bringing AI powered Rich Text content authoring features - like tone of voice and grammar validation - marketers can get their job done faster by reducing context switching and staying in their flow in Xperience by Kentico.

Cloud service tiers

Xperience by Kentico's SaaS solution combines all the capabilities delivered with Xperience by Kentico and our vendor-managed cloud infrastructure, automation, observability, and support. We already have several tiers of features and infrastructure in our SaaS offering, but we know some customers have unique needs so we're introducing custom cloud service tiers. These will help us tailor our SaaS offering to more customers and ensure we help them pick the right tier today and in the future.

Are you excited for these enhancements to Xperience by Kentico? Want to see something else in the product that isn't on the roadmap? Let us know by submitting an idea on our roadmap site via the button in the top right of the page.