Access to React Admin Components

2025/01/23 6:04 AM

Are admin components like a paginated table accessible (with documentation if any) when extending the admin interface?


2025/01/23 2:55 PM

If you follow the documentation and utilize the suggested approach to build your modules and XbyK UI, those peieces will automatically be included with your module.

If you're looking to extract an individual component like pagination to use within and extend your custom component, I cannot say if it is available or not yet.

2025/01/24 9:39 PM

Brenden is correct 👍.

Follow the docs or look at examples in our open-source integrations or the Kentico Community Portal source code.

Not all of the React components used in the administration UI are available for developers to use directly from our npm packages.

To answer this question, you have to login first.