ContentTypeQueryParameters - Linking works only with item ID
I have widget where editor can select products to display. ContentItemSelectorComponent returns Guids of selected products. I need to get some data from product page so in query I need to retreive all product pages which have product from widget selected in field IEnumerable<Product> ProductContentItem
I would like use this code:
new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
config => config.Linking(nameof(ProductPage.ProductContentItem), widgetProducts).WithLinkedItems(2)
but I can not, because Linking expect list of IDs not GUIDs. Is in XByK any smart altenative or I shoud use two queries (1st to get product IDs and 2nd to get product pages)
- Xperience by Kentico version: [29.1.1]
- .NET version: [8]
- Deployment environment: [local]
- Link to relevant Reference - Content item query
Yes, that's because the "reference" or link is from ID to ID in the database.
You can execute 2 queries - the first will retrieve the IDs and the 2nd will retrieve the linked items.
Take a look at how I do something similar in the Kentico Community Portal project.
To answer this question, you have to login first.