Renaming Client project from "Web-Admin" to "Web-Admintest" doesn't work

September 25, 2024 4:23 PM

Hey All.

I'm working on a custom Admin Module project and testing things out as I go (starting with the boilerplate).

Everything works fine when i keep the project name web-admin, but as soon as i change all the web-admin to web-admintest, it gives an error.

This isn't an actual issue on my end (i plan on keeping it web-admin), but just trying to see if Documentation is incorrect.

Here's the locations that get changed, and it matches what is documentation ([…]t)

Looking into the javascript, i see this in the entry.js:


I suspect that there is some additional configuration that documentation isn't mentioning, my C# Project itself and the assembly is XperienceCommunity.RelationshipsExtended.Web.Admin still, but it doesn't mention updating this.

Any help? It's not a blocker, i was exploring the naming conventions and trying out renaming.


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