Blog Discussion: New Architecture training resources: Plan, build, and upgrade with confidence

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2024/11/25 10:27 AM

Blog Post: New Architecture training resources: Plan, build, and upgrade with confidence

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Kentico Content hub Documentation Education Migrations


2024/11/26 10:41 PM

I'm happy to see Kentico Advantage rolled into our documentation portal as a new guide. I had been working with Kentico for years before I ever heard of the Kentico Advantage site - it was hard to find and not marketed through the channels I used to stay up to date with Kentico.

Our docs portal (and the guides, specifically) are heavily trafficked so marketers, developers, project managers, and anyone involved in an Xperience DXP solution can find that information much more easily!

2024/11/30 11:24 PM

I agree with Sean - it was very easy to forget that the Advantage site even existed. Being part of the documentation site will help with discoverability!

I like the addition of the content modelling guidelines too, not everyone joining your agency will have a great understanding of content modelling, so being able to provide examples to junior staff or even a refresher for more senior employees will be very useful.

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